Quality and continuous improvement
Quality and Continuous Improvement
Quality Management:
Gulf Gate places the highest priority on maintaining quality in every aspect of its work. This dedication is an inherited part of our culture and processes.
That’s why we developed an integrated management system encompassing all aspects of our business processes within a single framework.
The QA/QC team at Gulf Gate operates with a robust quality control system in accordance with approved quality plans, Method Statements, Inspection and Test Plans, and quality procedures.

Continuous Improvement:
The effectiveness of the Quality management system is directly related to the effectiveness of action and decisions taken during its implementation. The utmost objective is to increase the customers’ satisfaction, against his stated and implied requirements. Through continuous monitoring and improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, this objective may be easily attained. The analysis must focus, at least, on the following issues:
1.Management Review
2.Internal Audits
3.Corrective Actions
4.Statistical Techniques
5.Training & Development
6.Process Capabilities
7.Quality Objectives
8.Customer Satisfaction
9.Customer Complaints
Striving for Quality
As leaders in our space, we are constantly focused on delivering superior results to our clients, with sustainability as a key criterion for success. Our strict audits ensure that we identify the gaps in our processes to continuously implement improvement plans to optimize performance.
Gulf Gate is certified for ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, which powers our ability to improve our processes continually and provides assurance of our compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
We also maintain and ensure our compliance with regulations and quality assurance and integrate the art, science, and practice of multidisciplinary engineering into all project deliverables.